Class AbstractPhoneCall

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractPhoneCall extends Object implements Serializable
This abstract class represents a phone call between a caller (the phone number of the person who originates the call) and callee (the phone number of the person whose receives the phone call). Phone calls begin and end at given times.
David Whitlock
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getCaller

      public abstract String getCaller()
      Returns the phone number of the person who originated this phone call.
    • getCallee

      public abstract String getCallee()
      Returns the phone number of the person who received this phone call.
    • getBeginTime

      Returns the time that this phone call began as a Date.
    • getBeginTimeString

      public abstract String getBeginTimeString()
      Returns a textual representation of the time that this phone call began.
    • getEndTime

      Returns the time that this phone call was completed as a Date.
    • getEndTimeString

      public abstract String getEndTimeString()
      Returns a textual representation of the time that this phone call was completed.
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      Returns a brief textual description of this phone call.
      toString in class Object