All Classes and Interfaces

This class represents an airline.
This class represents an appointment found in an appointment book.
This class represents an appointment book that holds multiple appointments.
This class represents an airline flight.
This is the abstract superclass of an "LRU Map".
This abstract class represents a customer's phone bill that consists of multiple phone calls.
This abstract class represents a phone call between a caller (the phone number of the person who originates the call) and callee (the phone number of the person whose receives the phone call).
This program demonstrates some of the functionality of out family tree example by letting a user add people to a family tree that is stored in a given file.
This is a dialog for creating a new Person.
This program demonstrates exception handling by reading two integers from the command line and prints their sum.
This program subtracts some number of points off of each student's grade for a given project.
Classes that implement this interface dump the contents of an airline to some destination.
Classes that implement this interface read some source and from it create an airline.
A helper class for accessing the rest client.
This servlet ultimately provides a REST API for working with an Airline.
This class provides easy access to the SYSTEM and PUBLIC ids for the Airline XML DTD and implements some convenient error handling methods.
This class is used to get the name of airport from its three-letter code.
This class is the base class in our animal hierarchy.
This class shouldn't be used anymore
This class represents an ant.
This doclet extracts the API documentation (Javadocs) from a student's project submission and produces a text summary of them.
This interface allows the contents of an appointment book to be dumped to some destination.
This interface is to be implemented by classes that read some source and from it create an appointment book.
A helper class for accessing the rest client.
This servlet ultimately provides a REST API for working with an AppointmentBook.
This class shows off some of Java's internationalization (i18n) capabilities using the Locale class.
This class represents an assignment give to students in CS410J.
This panel is used to display and edit Assignments.
This class demonstrates how concurrent access to a bank account needs to be synchronized in order to guarantee the balance is always correct.
Demonstrates J2SE primitive data "autoboxing" features.
A BackAccount maintains a integer balance.
This class represents a bee.
This program demonstrates that BigDecimals provide arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.
This class represents all birds.
A book in a book store
An implementation of BookInventory that stores a database of books in a flat file
The functionality required for an inventory of books
A swing table model that lists the contents of a BookInventory
A book store that depends on a BookInventory and a CreditCardService
A main program that launches a book store using the "production" BookInventory and CreditCardService
A simple Java swing user interface for a Book Store application
A Guice module that configures the well-known objects for the book store application
This program builds a DOM tree that represents a phone book and writes it to a file.
This class represents a business whose name, address and phone number are listed in a phone book.
A swing table that displays the contents of a shopping cart
A swing table mode for the shopping cart
This class represents a box of cereal.
Compares two boxes of ceral by their price
A ChatCommunicator obtains a Socket and then creates a ChatSpeaker and a ChatListener that run in their own threads.
A ChatListener runs in the background and listens for messages on a socket on localhost.
This class represents a message that is passed between two ChatSessions.
This class allows two people to chat.
A ChatSpeaker runs in the background and sends ChatMessages over a Socket.
A table that shows the inventory of books and lets the user select one to be added to a shopping cart.
A subclass of BookInventoryTableModel that adds an extra column.
A ChoosePersonDialog is used to select a person from a family tree.
This class is a Comparator that compares Objects based on the name of their classes.
This panel displays and edits information about a class stored in a GradeBook.
This class demonstrates several of the collection classes.
Demonstrates the use of parallel streams by printing the prime numbers that are less than a given integer.
A Counter is something that counts in its own thread.
This class demonstrates concurrency in Java by having Big Bird and Mr.
This class represent a course taught at a university.
This class demonstrates covariant returns in JDK 1.5.
An animal that can be cloned.
This class represents a cow.
This program contacts the remote movie database and creates a new movie in it.
A class that represents a credit card
Stores CreditCards in an XML file
The functionality required for a credit card service
Throw when there was an error when transacting with a CreditCardService
Enumerates the various kind of return codes that can be sent back from a CreditCardService
A marker interface for constructor parameters whose values should be the data directory
A client that connects to a DateServer and reads the Date sent to it as a String.
This class demonstrates how to use the Java's day and time facilities.
A server that waits for a DateClient to connect to it.
A worker thread that waits five seconds before returning the current date.
This program uses Java reflection to describe a class, its methods, and fields.
This class is a FileFilter that only accepts files that are directories.
This class demonstrates throwing exceptions.
This class demonstrate the instanceof operator and the concept of interfaces using the animal hierarchy.
This program demonstrates that doubles only provide approximations of negative powers of 10.
This class represents a duck.
Classes that implement this interface dump a family tree to some destination.
This program sorts the scores for a given assignment and dumps them to standard out.
This program dumps the contents of a URL to standard out.
This is a dialog for editing a Marriage.
This is a dialog for editing a Person.
Demonstrates J2SE's "enhanced for loop" functionality.
Demonstrates J2SE's "enumerated type" facility.
This class uses RMI to solve the below system of equations:
This remote interface provides methods for solving a system of equations on a remote machine.
Instances of this remote class reside in a server JVM and perform the work of solving an equation of the form Ax = b.
This class represents a family tree.
This class is an applet that displays an immutable family tree.
This exception is thrown when something is wrong with a family tree or a data source from which a family tree is read.
This class is a graphical user interface that lets the user edit a family tree.
A FamilyTreeList is a JList that contains the names of the people in a family tree.
This class is a JPanel that can be used to display a family tree.
A servlet that provides access to a FamilyTree via REST
This classes demonstrates Maps in the collection classes.
A servlet that demonstrates how to upload a file to a web server.
This class provides an example of anonymous inner classes.
This program demonstrates File, FileFilter, and FilenameFilter by searching recursively through directories and printing out the names of Java source files.
This program demonstrates how Lambdas in Java 8 greatly simplify using "functional interfaces" like FileFilter and FileNameFilter.
A CreditCardService that makes REST calls to access the First Bank of Portland State.
This is a little program that combines the grades for the midterm quiz, the dream job, and the resume into one grade.
This interface is implemented by all animals that can fly.
This program reads a date and time from the command in DateFormat.MEDIUM format and prints it back out in all four formats.
Demonstrated J2SE 1.5's facilities for printf-style formatting.
This interface describes a game.
This class represents a game console that can play many games.
This class represents a game console that can play many games.
This class performs Gaussian Elimination to solve a system of linear equations of the form Ax = b.
This program generates a pair of DSA keys in files named public.key and private.key
This program generates a .mailrc file containing a mail alias for every student in a given grade book.
This class demonstrates how generic collections can be used with legacy code that does not use generics.
A "legacy" class that does not use generic collections.
A grad student
A student
This class demonstrates how updated domain classes that use generics can interact with legacy code that doesn't use generics.
An updated domain class that uses generics
A grad student
A student
This program searches the remote movie database for all of the movies that a given actor has acted in.
This program is an RMI client that queries a remote family tree
This program queries the remote movie database an prints out the movies that were released in a given year.
An inner serializable comparator that sorts movies alphabetically by their titles.
This class represent the grade a student got on an assignment.
This class specifies the grades a student can get a section of a course
This class represents a grade book that contains information about a CS410J class: the assignments, the students and their grades.
This class is a main GUI for manipulate the grade book for CS410J.
This panel displays the contents of a grade book.
This panel is used to display and edit a Student's Grades.
This class is used to demonstrate object serialization support for referential integrity.
This is a little guessing game that counts the number of times it takes the user to guess a number between one and ten.
This class simply prints "Hello World".
A helper class that provides methods for requesting resources via HTTP
Encapsulates a response to an HTTP request
This class represents a human being (not a human doing).
This program imports a bunch of students into a grade book.
This class represents an insect.
This program reads the name of a class with a zero-argument constructor and uses Java reflection to load and instantiate the class.
This program starts up a bunch of WorkingThreads and also starts an InterruptingThread that will interrupt each WorkingThread after a given number of seconds.
This class demonstrates Javadoc comments
This class is a FilenameFilter that only accepts files that end in .java.
The superclass of classes that store objects serialized to a file using JAXB
A class for getting started with a code kata Use IntelliJ's "Refactor | Rename..." command to change the name of this class (and its tests).
This servlet sets cookies on the client's browser to determine when the last time the page was visited.
This program listens to a socket.
Uses a URLClassLoader to load a resource from a given URL.
This ClassLoader prints out the name of every class that it (or its parent) loads.
This program uses the JavaMail API to send a file to someone as a MIME attachment to an email.
This class demonstrates the file compression utilities in the and java.util.jar packages by creating a jar file whose contents are specified on the command line.
This class represents all mammals.
This class represents a marriage between two people.
A main program used to demonstrate the Marriage class.
Represents a matrix of doubles.
A McCustomer arrives a McDonalds and waits for a BigMac.
This class models a McDonalds.
This class represents an employee of a McDonalds who makes BigMacs(tm).
Class for formatting messages on the server side.
Class for formatting messages on the server side.
Class for formatting messages on the server side.
This program demonstrates what happens when you modify a collection while iterating over it.
This class represents a remote Movie object.
This remote interface allows a client to interact with a database of Movie objects.
This class provides an implementation of the remote MovieDatabase interface.
A comparator that sorts movies based on the year in which they were released.
A servlet that provides REST access to a movie database
This dialog is used to create a new Assignment
Classes that implement this interface have notes associated with them.
The abstract superclass of several notable classes.
This program contacts the remote movie database and makes note of a character in a movie that is played by a given actor.
This program makes note of a marriage between two people in a family tree.
This panel displays and edits notes.
Demonstrates adding behavior to enumerated types.
This class demonstrates the Override annotation.
This class contains one method that is overridden in a subclass.
Classes that implement this interface create a family tree from some source.
A ParserException is thrown when a file or other data source is being parsed and it is decided that the source is malformatted.
This classes parses strings from the command line using a StringTokenizer.
Quicky program that parses a text file containing student's grades.
Demonstrates Java's pass by value mechanism
This class represents a person in a family tree.
This class demonstrates constructors, the toString method, and instance fields.
This class is a Comparator that compares Persons based on their shoe size.
A class with a main method for testing Person.
This class is a JPanel that displays a Person.
Classes that implement this interface dump the contents of a phone bill to some destination.
Classes that implement this interface read some source and from it create a phone bill.
A helper class for accessing the rest client.
This servlet ultimately provides a REST API for working with an PhoneBill.
This class represents a phone book that contains entries for businesses and residents.
This class represents an entry in a phone book.
This class dumps a family tree to a text file in a format that can be read by a person.
This program reads a resource containing the text of the Declaration of Independence and prints it to standard out.
This program computes the SHA digest of a sentence specified on the command line.
This program reads your INBOX and prints out the subjects of each of the emails.
This program demonstrates the SAX parsing API by parsing a phonebook XML document and printing out the phone numbers in it.
This class demonstrates SecurityManagers and Permissions by attempting to access the system property.
The main class for the CS410J airline Project
The main class for the CS410J appointment book Project
The main class for the CS410J Phone Bill Project
The main class that parses the command line and communicates with the Appointment Book server using REST.
The main class that parses the command line and communicates with the Phone Bill server using REST.
The main class that parses the command line and communicates with the Airline server using REST.
This interface represents a query that can be performed on movies in a movie database.
Sends an HTTP request to a server via a socket.
This class demonstrates object serialization by reading an instance of Date from a file.
This class demonstrates object serialization by reading an instance of Date from a file.
This program takes a file whose name is given on the command line and reads doubles from it.
This program reads text from the console until the user enters -1 at which point it prints what the user has entered.
This class demonstrates serialization support for referential integrity by deserializing a graph of GraphNodes.
This class demonstrates Java's reflection mechanism by loading a class and then printing out information about its fields and methods.
This interface specifies a factory that is responsible for creating, storing and querying Person objects.
This interface models a Marriage that is accessed remotely using Java Remote Method Invocation.
This is class implements the RemoteMarriage interface.
This interface models a Person that is accessed remotely using Java Remote Method Invocation.
This is a concrete class that implements the RemotePerson interface.
This class represents a resident (person) whose first and last name, as well as whose middle initial, is listing in a phone book.
A Credit Card service that exposes its behavior via REST
Logs all calls to the rest services
A Guice module that binds in all of the REST services and filters
This class has a main method that demonstrates the effects of inheritance and virtual method dispatches using the animal class hierarchy.
This class represents a section of a course being offered in a given term during a given year.
A servlet that returns all sorts of information available from the servlet API.
A servlet that uses a session to maintain information about a user
This class represents a Sheep.
This program shutdowns the remote movie database.
This program computes the DSA digital signature of a message using a private key.
This program demonstrates how to use the SimpleDateFormat class to format and parse dates.
This program reads in Dates from standard in using DateFormat.SHORT.
A Speaker sends strings over a Socket to a Listener.
Demonstrates J2SE's "static import" facility.
This class represents a student who is taking CS410J.
This class represents a student that may enroll in a section of a course.
This class is represents a Student.
This panel displays a Student
A StudentsList is a JList that lists all of the students in a GradeBook sorted alphabetically by their last name.
Class used for displaying either student ids or their full names in a JList
This class is used to submit assignments in CS410J.
Class that creates a pretty report that summarizes a student's grades.
This program presents a survey that all students in CS410J should answer.
This class demonstrates obtains a lock before access the BankAccount.
Synchronized methods ensure that the data in the balance is accessed correctly.
This class demonstrates the Properties class and shows how to use the JVM's system properties.
A skeletal implementation of the TextDumper class for Project 2.
A skeletal implementation of the TextDumper class for Project 2.
This class dumps a family tree to a destination (for example, a file) in a text-based format that is meant to be parsed by a TextParser.
A skeletal implementation of the TextDumper class for Project 2.
A skeletal implementation of the TextParser class for Project 2.
A skeletal implementation of the TextParser class for Project 2.
This class parses the text output generated by a TextDumper and creates a family tree.
A skeletal implementation of the TextParser class for Project 2.
Prints out information about today's date.
Transfers money between two BankAccounts.
This class demonstrates some interesting things about static initializers.
A tuple class that holds two generic values.
Uses the generic Tuple class to return a host/port combination from a single method.
This class represents a Turkey.
This program is an RMI client that adds a person to a remote family tree
This program is an RMI client that adds a person to a remote family tree
Demonstrates making an HTTP GET request using the URLConnection class
This program parses and XML file and validates it for correctness against its DTD.
Demonstrates variable-length method arguments in J2SE 1.5.
This program verifies that a given message was signed by the person with a given public key.
This program uses Java's reflection mechanism to print the name of a given Object's class.
This thread will work until and then wait until it is interrupted.
Demonstrates how wrapper objects can be used to store primitive values in a collection.
Demonstrates serialization by writing an instance of Date to a file.
This program reads doubles from the command line and writes them to a file.
This program constructs a graph of Nodes and serializes them to a file.
This program writes the arguments from the command line to a text file.
This program does the same thing as WriteToFile but uses the new "try with resource" language feature of Java 7.
This program writes the arguments from the command line to a text file.
This program writes a file in the user's home directory.
This class dumps a family tree to a destination (for example, a file) in XML format.
This class dumps the contents of a GradeBook to an XML file.
This class creates a GradeBook from the contents of an XML file.
This class contains fields and methods that are useful when dealing with XML data.
This class contains fields and methods that are useful when dealing with XML data.
This class parses an XML file generated by XmlDumper and creates a family tree.
This class is a remote family tree whose contents are read from and saved to an XML file.
This class parses XML data that describes a Student.